Activity report - September 2024 

I continued administering daily infusions to Lena. Her condition remained stable through the end of the month. Woody made friends with Soda, Noona, and Mee outside the shelter. My contact with Sahm has intensified. He received doxycycline until the end of the month, just like Diudiu and Luna. Bobo spent two weeks in the shelter until the Struebi family kindly took him in. 

Booboo was medicated for three weeks to prepare him for a procedure to remove a tumor. The procedure took place at the end of the month. Booboo had to stay in the clinic for a few more days for observation. 

During my mid-month routine visit to Wat Amparahm, I noticed that Victor's right ear flap was severely swollen. He was treated by Dr. Oi, and Victor has since been at the shelter for follow-up care. 

By the end of the month, a generous donation from Claudia and Martin allowed for the construction of two salas. Additionally, a new access route to the house area was created to facilitate the delivery of supplies. A few days later, Buffy got into a fight. She’s back in her area but still undergoing treatment.