Activity Report - December 2022

Francine, the woman who rescued the pups, took them back within the first days of the month. They all recovered fully from the infection and are striving. Dodger recovered from the nasty nose wound and is back to his area. Brownie has been reunited with her owners. She does not use her broken hip normally, but can freely move around.

A new test which Nimnim underwent revealed a high creatinine level. Despite a daily infusion with saline solution, Nimnim died peacefully at the end of the month. Lizzy, the puppy I recently took in, has been sterilized. She recovered well.

Jutta, a German woman who recently moved to Pattaya, offered to help me with the shelter tasks. Jutta has a lot of experience with street dogs and is going to work three times a week for a couple of hours.

At the end of the month, I took in a mother dog with her eight, six weeks old pups. They had been rescued but could not stay with the rescuer, since she moved house. It is a new challenge again, but I could not reject the plea. Dahn, the mother dog, trusts me already and all pups seem to be in good health.

Activity Report - November 2022

Since I am not coordinating the SDF sterilization project any longer, I am not going to publish the number of sterilized dogs here anymore. The project is going to continue, and actual numbers can be gathered from

Usually, the dogs get on with each other quite well, but this month I had to deal with two incidents that caused injuries in sensitive areas. Lingling was suffering from a cut under her left eye, and Dodger suffered from a nasty cut at his nose. Both cuts had to be stitched up by Dr. Oi who did a very good job. Lingling's cut was healed after a week, but Dodger had to be separated from his buddies for almost two weeks, which hurt him more than the wound did.

At the end of the month, I had to take in three eight-week-old pups. Two of them had been Parvo infected and were being treated for a couple of days. The woman who rescued the pups from a certain death could not accommodate the pups, and all other places refused to take them in. I hope they will all survive and can find permanent homes.

Activity Report - October 2022
260 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 10,617.
Pat came back to work earlier this month. It is a relief since coping with all the challenges on my own was tough. Lizzy, although only five months old, is now very much established among the house area dogs. She is quite a character, very self-confident and adventurous. Luna recovered well and is back at the temple. Joy, a new member of the Pong parking lot bunch, and Nadia, the remaining un-sterilized temple pub, have both been sterilized. Kenzo fully recovered from his bite wounds. He is still vulnerable because of his blindness, but can again roam freely in the house area.
I started a Doxy/Ferric treatment with Nimnim and Tommy. Both of them are slightly anemic. Saddhu, one of the temple dogs, received his fifth and last chemotherapy treatment for now. Brownie underwent surgery on his dislocated hip. The surgery was successful. Brownie now needs to recover in Chris's house for about a month.
Patty, one of my favorites, died. She did not eat for two days; a test revealed a very high creatinine level, which was caused by kidney failure. The kidney failure was caused by undetected kidney stones.
Activity Report - September 2022
202 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 10,375.

The area next to the house can now again be used, since a door has been built in to make that area accessible from the house. Additionally, a small wall has been built to avoid rain water running into the TVT Station after a heavy downpour.

My volunteer, Pat, had to go back to Australia for the whole month. Working on my own, looking properly after more than 70 shelter dogs, is tough. And, it is not only the shelter work alone; I have to take care of more than 20 dogs at Wat Amparahm as well.  I am also often the focal point for residents who need my help dealing with sick or injured dogs.

I had to take in a four month old pup that was dumped very close to my shelter. Lizzy settled in very well, and I could release her after two weeks into the house area. Luna, one of my temple dogs, lost weight. I took her in and got her blood tested. Luna is doing quite well. She was obviously dehydrated since she lived on the beach with no sufficient access to fresh water. Saddhu, another temple dog, developed TVT. By the end of the month, he already received four chemotherapy treatments. Two more have to follow.

Navo's and Roshi's skin issues are still ongoing. Their cephalexin treatment has been completed, and they are now only receiving fish oil. That fish oil treatment has to be continued for at least a month.

Brownie, a Labrador living in front of a 7-Eleven store, was hit by a car and dislocated his hip joint. Two foreign residents came forward to cover the costs for a necessary surgery. The surgery is going to take place beginning next month.

Activity Report - August 2022

263 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 10,155.

Earlier this month, I took in Sonya, a four-week-old puppy whose mother had to be euthanized. Sonya stayed in my apartment since she had to be bottle fed every three to four hours. She developed normally and went into Josie's shelter after two weeks. There, I saw Binglee, Snowey and Bee again. They were happy to see me and are doing very well.

A resident asked me to take a dog to Dr. Oi. The dog has a massive lump beneath his breast. An initial diagnosis cannot rule out a tumor. He will undergo surgery as soon as possible.

Since I changed the dry food brand, all but two dogs recovered from long lasting skin problems. The two exceptions are Navo and Roshi. Their skin issues are not food related. They are now receiving Cephalexin and fish oil.

Activity Report - July 2022

302 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 9,892.

I took Elsa to the clinic since she was very quiet for a couple of days. A blood test revealed moderately severe anemia and an infection. Elsa stayed in the clinic and received fluid intravenously for two days. Within the following two weeks, she received three additional EPO injections. It seemed Elsa was on the way to recovering, but I found her unexpectedly one morning lying dead in her area. She was nine years old.

I had to take Chip to the clinic since he had difficulties passing water. An X-ray examination revealed that a stone is partially blocking the urethra. Dr. Oi widened the urethra and prescribed urinary food for two weeks, which can dissolve the stone. Chip was receiving fluid as well. He is on the way to recovery.

Toya, who I placed into the TVT station to recover from her skin problems, did not stand up anymore. An X-ray scan revealed a slightly compressed sacral disk. Only one session of aqua therapy did the trick and Toya could walk again.

Since Pinky and Khiaow developed a hostility against each other, I relocated Pinky to the Pat area. In order for her not to be alone there, Tanya, Taya and Tiny went with her. Khiaow could therefore be back at the house area.

Nuri and Snowey were allowed to stay in my apartment for almost the entire month. Since new guests arrived at the resort where I lived on my own because of Covid, I had to take Nuri back to the shelter; and, Snowey now lives at Josie's temple shelter after his treatments were complete. Nuri now stays at the house area and fits in there quite well.

All dogs, except Roshi and Navo, have miraculously recovered from their long-lasting skin problems, since I changed the food brand. However, Roshi's and Navo's skin diseases are obviously not caused by a wrong food intake. For both of them, I am going to start a treatment trial using a combination of cephalexin, itraconazole and cyclosporin.

Activity Report - June 2022

201 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 9,590. Soi Dog Foundation is now allowing us to cover the whole Banglamung district.

Namtarn, the bitch I took in with advanced renal failure, survived for only 18 days despite a daily fluid treatment. Snowey is still under treatment, but is recovering quite well. Since he had been discharged from the clinic, he stays in my apartment. I also took in Nuri, a bitch with recurring skin problems. She is recovering well after a couple of bath treatments.

As the metal sheets are rusting in the soil and are beginning to crumble, I had to make the tough decision to reinforce the sheets with mesh wire on a length of 60 meters. Material and labor costs amounted to 30,000 Baht which was well beyond my regular budget, and so I had to borrow money again.

Josie, a dedicated rescuer who is quite successful in finding new homes for abandoned dogs, has taken Binglee and Bee into her custody. She is going to keep them until they can be adopted. As soon as Snowey fully recovers, he will follow Binglee and Bee. All three of them used to be house dogs. They are pretty small and not really accustomed to a rough shelter life.

Nikki, the bitch that was dumped with her four pups at Wat Amparahm beach, has been sterilized and was united with her pups. One of them has been taken away, hopefully for a good life. The remaining three seem to enjoy their life among the fishermen who are looking after them.

Since I have to deal with recurring hair and skin problems, I decided to change the dry food brand, hoping toxic soil is not the cause of the skin inflammations, but instead is caused by the food. At the end of the month, I have noticed some positive effects, but only time will tell whether or not they will last. 

Activity Report - May 2022

188 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 9,389.

Kimi and Isco never really adjusted at Wat Amparahm and finally disappeared after two weeks. Since both of them are sterilized and vaccinated, they will hopefully find a place which is suitable for them.

Since I had three distemper cases in the shelter, I vaccinated the shelter dogs and also the temple dogs. None of the other dogs have fallen ill since then. The vaccines were thankfully funded by K9Aid.

Thanks to another food donation, I can now provide Prajuab with 80 kg of dry food and 120 kg of rice per month. Prajuab has 60 dogs to care for in a wasteland. The security guard in Central Pattaya continues to receive 40 kg of dry food every month. He takes care of about a dozen dogs.

The dogs that have been suffering from inflammatory spots on their bellies have recovered. The cause of the inflammations is still unknown.

Snowey, who lived together with Oscar, Merlin, Binglee and Bee for almost a year without any incident, got severely bitten and had to stay in Dr. Oi clinic for several days.

A resident made me aware of a sick dog which could be caught and brought to Huaiyai Clinic. A test revealed renal failure. I decided to take her - Namtarn - in to treat her and make the rest of her life as comfortable as possible.

Activity Report – April 2022

161 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 9,201.

Except for Baam, Ivy and Emma, all other shelter dogs have been spared the distemper virus. Tarik, however, succumbed peacefully following an 8 weeks battle with severe kidney failure.

As usual, several dogs were suffering from treatable health conditions: Victor suffered from swollen lymph nodes on his hind legs; Cookie from an open wound on her left elbow; Khiaow from swollen tissues at her lower belly; Jack from an ear infection; Tiny and Edith from a blood parasites infection; and several dogs from inflammatory spots on their bellies. All dogs have been treated by Dr. Oi and some of them are still on medication.

Kimi and Isco, who have been living at the shelter for more than a year but never settled in properly, have been relocated to Wat Amparahm where they could join their sibling, Jingo, who has already been staying there for six months. Both dogs can now enjoy their freedom at the temple area and on the beach. They will hopefully settle in there.

Activity Report – March 2022

177 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 9,040.

Tarik is now already one month with us and still alive. He is losing weight but is still eating, He is taking medication and is receiving fluid daily. However, with a creatinine level of 7.8, he will not survive for long.

Mee, who was on Doxycycline/Ferric medication for two months, died. I also lost Baam, Ivy and Emma through a distemper outbreak in the shelter. Mum, whom I took back from the shelter to her favorite living place, disappeared after one month staying there happily. Also, Blue, a small puppy from a waste ground that we treated for two weeks and took back to her mother, disappeared after a couple of days.

Activity Report – February 2022

174 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 8,863.

This month, we were frequently hit by heavy rains. The floor of the shelter softened, and as a result, dogs dug under the fences several times and escaped into the fields. However, we were able to bring back all the runaways safely.

Mum and Meefoo, the two I took in for safety reasons, are back to their living places. They were not happy at the shelter any longer and settled in well at their old environment.  The remaining temple dogs are doing fine. Two of them, Kofi and Toto, are now staying a bit off of the beach.

At the end of the month, I took in Tarik, a dog staying in front of a 7/11 for many years. It turned out that he is suffering from a severe kidney disease. He will receive fluid treatment but his prognosis is very poor.

Activity Report – January 2022

140 more dogs have been sterilized and were taken back to their living places. The total number of sterilized dogs now stands at 8,689. The reduced number of cases was due to limited clinic operational days. Since a staff member tested Covid positive, the clinic had to be closed for two weeks.

Probably because of the fireworks on New Year's Eve, Sahm and Prince disappeared from the temple. They didn't return until the end of the month.

Tiny and Taya, the two last remaining unsterilized pups, have now been fixed and are recovering well.