Activity Report – December 2018
Our sterilization project entered the fifth month of operation and surpassed the monthly target of 100 sterilizations by 103 cases. The number of dogs sterilized and brought back to their habitat reached exactly 1,000 at the end of the year 2018. Funds to cover the costs for further sterilizations are guaranteed by Soi Dog Foundation (SDF) until January 31, 2019. In January, SDF will evaluate the project's performance and its impact on Pattaya's stray population. After a SDF team's visit at Dr. Kwanchai's Silverlake clinic, a decision will be taken whether the project is going to be funded for the year 2019 as well.
While taking dogs to be sterilized, we stumbled upon a place with dozens of cats. Twenty-eight of them could be sterilized as well. Funds to cover the costs were provided by Michael J. Baines.
Felix, Bessie and Tommy are back to Takhientia. The treatment of Felix's conjunctivitis is complete. Bessie is not coughing anymore, and Tommy can walk again, albeit only on three legs. The radial nerve on his left front leg is irreparably damaged. Joe's tail wound was not healing. A revision surgery was inevitable. Joe is now recovering in House Nongkraborg.
With Tara, Adrian, Max, Bliss, Daisy, Joe, Merlin and Edda, I now have just eight dogs living with me. When it was really stressful having to look after 24 dogs close to me the previous months, it's now a joy having the dogs around me. It's not the dogs as such or certain dogs which can make life difficult, it's just the number of dogs above a certain limit which can be tough to cope with.