Stella found a new home. A Swiss couple who already took in a street dog adopted her and Stella fitted in perfectly.
Mirko's chemo therapy treatment has been completed and Brownie's treatment is ongoing. It seems that metastases severely impaired his vision. He is being treated with eye drops. Bandit, another male dog undergoes chemo therapy treatment too. Puschel, one of the puppies staying at a construction site cut his front leg and required stitches. Tayo completed a hydrotherapy treatment.
I took in Adrian, Tommy and Hala. Tommy is an orphan puppy who suffered from intestinal obstruction. He is on his way to recovery after several treatments. Adrian, the paralyzed dog, is suffering from abrasions on his crippled hind legs and needs daily wound dressing. Adrian is now receiving fluid every second day to support his kidneys. Hala, another orphan pup, developed a huge abscess on her neck and suffered from a couple of other wounds. She also needed daily wound dressing.
City Hall was threatening to remove all dogs from a construction site near a new built high rise condominium. I took in five puppies to Baan Amphur shelter and five adult dogs are now staying at Wat Amparahm, joining a bunch of dogs I already accommodate there.
Lena joined Kenji, Johnny, Patty and Adrian and is now also staying with me. She developed the habit chasing chicken in Meow's neighborhood. Meow also asked me to take Snowwhite and Maimai temporarily into Baan Amphur Shelter. Maimai chased motorcycles and Snowwhite was too often absent.