I continued to relocate all dogs that don't need to go to Bang Saray shelter. Tommy went to a foster home waiting to be adopted. Iang and Ivy went back to their place at the guesthouse in Central Pattaya. Felix, Anna, Mom and Namtarn were placed at Meow's shelter. Kenji and Johnny have been castrated. Kenji cannot go back to his place; a solution for him has to be found.
A fence separating the allocated area at Bang Saray shelter from the main shelter has been built, as well as six dog houses containing 21 units during the first two weeks of the month. After the area was ready to accommodate fifty to seventy dogs, I moved the remaining forty dogs from House Mabprachan to the shelter. About ten dogs that lived in that area before we leased it are still living there. All dogs are being daily fed with rice food and dry food. After a short time of settling in, they started to explore the area inside the fence and very soon also outside the fenced-in area. They seemed to enjoy the extended freedom; even if they could run away they didn't.
Since the dogs are fed daily, I don't need to see them every day. Wat Amparahm is on the way to the shelter; so I'm now going to see all the dogs there and at the shelter every two or three days. The new set-up implies that my daily work load will be reduced by a couple of hours.