Activity report November 2015
Dr. Sam performed surgery on Snow's intestines and her recovery prospect is good. Amy and Coco who live in House Mabprachan and Yuka who stays at Thepprasit Road have been sterilized. At the end of the month also Priao Wan, a dog who is being looked after by locals. Jacky who was still being treated has been removed by someone but we could find him after an intensive search. He could continue his TVT treatment. Lizzy, who was a healthy dog disappeared from the temple. She has been probably poisoned. 

Arnie's and Nema's blood levels are close to normal. Arnie copes with his visual impairment very well. He navigates quite comfortably through the pack. The six puppies are now playing in the garden most of the day. They are all healthy and very lively. Rika and Ryo, two dogs from the neighbourhood are still being treated for blood parasites. That cure has to last at least a month. The puppies received their first vaccination. Among each other they tend to be pretty aggressive. Sometimes it is hard to separate them. 

Anton and Lucy Song are new members of the pack. Anton is waiting for being adopted to a German family. He will stay with us for about three months. For Lucy Song a new home is supposed to be found within a month.